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Rhonda Rosenthal

senior photo                 current photo
40 years to encapsulate – WOW!

After high school and graduating from Bryant and Stratton Business Institute, Buffalo, I worked 7 years for Cornell Cooperative Extension, Lockport. Then took some time away from work to settle our home and start a family. During the younger years of our children’s lives, I worked at Gasport Elementary in food service and at the age of 40 returned to my secretarial career as a Parish Administrative Secretary for Grace Episcopal Church in Lockport and have been there ever since.

I married Dick Berner (Class of ’67) in November 1969. We rented for 4 years then built a small Cape Cod home on land which was part of my family’s farm and have been here ever since. We have two children, Jessica, 29, (Class of ’95) and Aaron, 25, (Class of ’98). Jessica is a graduate of SUNY Brockport, with a BS in Physical Education and Health Science and a Masters in Education, Concentration Counseling. Her career has taken her to North Carolina and Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. At present, she is the Assistant Director in Campus Life for Greek Affairs at R.I.T. Rochester. Aaron graduated from Alfred State with a degree in Building Trades and Construction and works for a commercial and industrial contractor in Lockport. He will be married two years this June 26th to Jennifer Millar (Class of ‘98) (no grandchildren yet). Jenny is also a SUNY Brockport grad, works for First Niagara Bank as an accounting supervisor, and is attending Niagara University for her MBA.

At times, I feel that we have never really left Roy-Hart as my brother’s 5 children (youngest of which is graduating June 24th) and our 2 are all RH grads, and now a third generation -- my great niece is in RH Middle School. We have been to MANY concerts, musicals, plays, sporting events, open houses, awards ceremonies, and graduations!!

Our hobbies have always revolved around family – from being leaders in our children’s 4-H club, scouting, and church youth activities to assisting coaches of their sports teams. Now since they are grown it turns more toward home renovation projects, continued church involvement, and community service. During last year’s hurricane season Dick became a National Disaster Relief Volunteer with the American Red Cross – taking rotations in October and December in Texas and New Orleans. Our Christmas gift was him donating his time in the New Orleans region. This was our first Christmas apart in 36 years but the rewards of giving were “priceless,” especially to those who had lost everything.

I will not be attending the reunion, but have enjoyed reading all the bios and learning how everyone’s lives have evolved. No matter where our paths have taken us - be it through the hills, valleys, or potholes of life, we all seemed to have been blessed in one way or another. Enjoy the reunion. Health and happiness to all.