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Darlene Seward

senior photo                 current photo
It is amazing that it has been 40+ years for me. I was side-tracked by the war that was going on in Viet Nam. I didn't get to graduate with you all. John (Bern) and I were planning on being married in June and I was to graduate with the class of ‘65, but John received a draft notice and his parents wanted us to marry, so that is what we did. We were married in April. He went for his physical and guess what? He flunked it because his vision in one eye was bad. Go figure.

I have been married to John for 41 years and we have a great marriage. We have had good times and some bad in the earlier years. We have a great son, Dave, 40, who has been called to preach and is an Asst. Pastor at Lighthouse Baptist Church in N. Tonawanda., NY. He has a wonderful wife, Julie, and 4 enjoyable and very cute kids. Holly, 9 1/2, Anabeth, 8 1/2, Liana, 6, and David, 4. We have truly been blessed. Then we have a daughter, Denise, who is 38 and as of yet, still single. Hasn't met the right guy. She is happy with her work at Sherwood and she enjoys her pets -- sugar glidders, and 2 cockatiels.

When we were married, we lived in Cheektowaga for 8 years, then we moved out here to Lockport in ‘73. I've had various jobs, but the one I enjoyed the most was working at Montgomery Wards for 22 yrs. until it closed in 1999. Actually for me it was a good thing, because in Jan. of 2000, John was diagnosed with colorectal cancer and had to go through surgery, chemo, and radiation and I thank the Lord I was there to help. I thank the Lord John is still here today and is cancer free. John is still working and doesn't want to retire; he enjoys working. I enjoy church, our pets, garage sales, sewing, and reading.

Through the years I have helped teach kids in a church youth group and I have taught Sunday School for a few years. John and I have had a ministry at Briarwood Nursing Home with John preaching. I taught myself to play piano and John plays the saxophone and we would also play music for the residents there. We also play in church when asked.

We have had ups and downs in life, but I am glad I don't have to go through them alone as I have had the Lord as my Saviour since 1972 and I have a peace and joy unspeakable.

Habakkuk 3:18: Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.

Looking forward to seeing many of you in July!